Taylor’s Library e-Repository Policy

1. Definition

Taylor’s Library e-Repository is a database to capture, preserve and disseminate the scholarly works
of the University’s staff and students.
This collection is restricted to the electronic research output by university’s academic staff and
postgraduate students and presentational resources by undergraduate students. The purpose is to
maximize the visibility, usage and impact of University’s research output by enabling online central
access for all potential users

2. Content

2.1 Book Chapter
2.2 Journal Article
2.3 Research Abstracts
2.4 Conference papers
2.5 Dissertation and Thesis
2.6 Data Set
2.7 Newspaper Article
2.8 Artwork
2.9 Photograph
2.10 Interview
2.11 Sculptures/Creative work
2.12 Drawing
2.13 Exam Papers
2.14 Annual Publication
2.15 Speeches
2.16 Awards & recognition (Accolades)
2.17 Newsletter
2.18 Academic Profiles
2.19 Multimedia
2.20 e-Journal
2.21 Patent
2.22 Others

3. Submission

3.1 Uploading of items in the repository is the responsibility of authors and researchers as
advised and supported by the Administrator and information on the process will be
made available.
3.2 Contributors must sign an agreement form giving library permission to make the
work available online.
3.3 Authors may submit only their own work.
3.4 The validity and authenticity of the content is the sole responsibility of the depositor.
3.5 The administrator only vets items for the eligibility of the authors or depositors.
3.6 Responsibility of the management of the repository rests with the Administrator as directed
by the Head Librarian

4. Formats

The preferred formats are as follows but other formats could be used if required by the content: -
4.1 MS Office/Text:  pdf, docx ,xlsx, ppt
4.2 Movie:  mpeg, wmv, rmvb
4.3 Audio:  mp3, wma
4.4 Animation:  slash (swf)
4.5 Picture:  gif, jpeg, png

5. Metadata

The Taylor’s Library e-Repository uses Dublin Core that is mandatory for the data providers.

6. Access

Data created in the Repository is made available to all Taylor’s community as copyright and licensing

7. Data

7.1 Author, title and full bibliographic details are given
7.2 A hyperlink or URL is given
7.3 The content is not changed in anyway

8. Library’s agreement with the authors

8.1 Retain and maintain contents submitted to the Repository
8.2 Apply accepted preservation techniques to content
8.3 Notify authors if there is a change of format

9. Quality Control

To maintain quality, only scholarly works recommended by academic faculties be accepted

10. Preservation

10.1 Items will be retained indefinitely but may be removed on following conditions:
10.1.1 The author decides to remove it
10.1.2 Breach of copyright or plagiarism
10.1.3 Legal requirement and proven violations
10.1.4 Falsified research
10.2 Changes to deposited items are not permitted, if necessary, updated version may
be deposited. The earlier version may be removed from public view.
10.3 Withdrawn resources are deleted permanently except by prior agreement
10.4 Metadata of the withdrawn item may be retained but will not be publicly searchable

11. Copyright

11.1 Adherence to copyright law and licenses is the responsibility of the author.
11.2 Any copyright violations are entirely the responsibilities of the author
11.3 To protect contributors and the University, contributors must sign a copyright form
11.4 The Repository is not a publisher but merely an online archive for deposited items.
Depositing in the repository does not change or affect the original intellectual property rights
or copyright of the work

*This policy will be revised as and when necessary.

The University of Melbourne
Harvard University Library
Library, The University of York
Loughborough University Library